
I chose to purchase an entire roll of skirt material. It's 2.05m by 30m at a cost of $500. This way I have a lot of spare material for replacement.

Firstly I cut the corner profiles from the plan and transfered them to 3mm ply.

I rolled the material out and cut a 6m length and a 2.5m length. The 6m length made 2 sides and the 2.5m length made 1 rear.

For each length the correct corner template was placed on one end and cut with a knife. Then the length of the outside skirt attach strip was marked plus 40mm so there was 20mm each side to sew and glue the join. The entire length was then cut and the second corner cut. I made sure the smoothest side of the material will be on the outside. I made a mistake and did not add on the extra 3 inchas to the rear skirt so I had to get it stitched on.

I lifted the hull onto bricks so I can access the bottom easier. I used a car jack to help. This will also allow me to drill holes for the engine mount and rear spar supports

 I sent the skirt of to the upholster and he stitched up the seams the next day. He put 3 lines of stitches per corner so it should be very strong. On the Inside of the skirt along the sides I marked a chalk line every 500mm this will help with getting the correct installation. Once the skirt was sitting around the craft I screwed the outside each 500mm from the rear marking on the hull where the chalk line touches the outside skirt attach strip. After this the skirt was removed and a mark was made where the tangent of each 500mm mark made with the inside skirt attach strip. Next each end of the skirt was screwed to the inside skirt attach strip and also screwed where each respective chalk line and inside skirt attach strip Mark was. This left areas of left over loose material especially towards the front curve. This material was evenly distributed between each 500mm screw. After that I made sure there was one screw at least per 100mm. Some areas had a screw every 20mm. This process was repeated until all the inside skirt was attached. The outside was a lot easier. All that was required was to screw the skirt at the 500mm points and then make sure there was 1 screw every 100mm. I started the lift engine and checked for no wrinkles on the contact line and to my relief it all worked out first go.
